There are no bots on RummyCulture cash rummy games! Here is the proof.

In real money card games like rummy, bots can be used to manipulate the game by colluding with certain players to obtain favourable cards. As a responsible platform for such games, RummyCulture takes strict measures to ensure your rummy game table always remains bot-free.

There are no bots on RummyCulture cash rummy games!

There are no bots on RummyCulture cash rummy games! Here is the proof.

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There is only one thing worse than a slow internet connection or ads in the middle of a game: bots! Many online games are plagued with bots which are designed to give an unfair advantage to certain players, or the platform itself, because of their capability to perform tasks more efficiently than human players. There are many types of bots, such as aimbots in many FPS (First Person Shooter) games that assist with precise shooting, or farmbots that are often seen in open-world games to collect resources even when the player is offline, thereby giving them an unfair lead over other players. Given how pervasive bots have become on online gaming platforms, it is understandable that players are worried about them. The stakes are higher with real money games.

In real money card games like rummy, bots can be used to manipulate the game by colluding with certain players to obtain favourable cards. As a responsible platform for such games, RummyCulture takes strict measures to ensure your rummy game table always remains bot-free. We do it by instituting many safety nets, such as KYC verification for all players, and AI-monitoring to track any fair play violations.

RummyCulture keeps you safe from bots

The first line of defence against bots starts right when a player registers on RummyCulture. A mobile number and OTP are required for players to start playing on the app. This step verifies the authenticity of the player who is logging in. There are other measures in place, such as a robust app infrastructure that weeds out bots or players with suspicious activities, RNG to ensure cards are distributed fairly, Player Protection Protocol, and so on. As you read further, you will know how each of these features helps keep you safe on RummyCulture app.

RummyCulture is ISO-certified

RummyCulture is an ISO 9001:2015 certified app. ISO 9001 is a globally recognised standard for quality management. It signifies that RummyCulture not only offers a stable and satisfactory app experience but also upholds standards of customer confidence.

RummyCulture is RNG-certified

RummyCulture is RNG-certified by iTech Labs, which is a globally recognized accreditation given to gaming companies. RNG stands for Random Number Generation. It is a technology that (you must have guessed) randomly and non-consecutively generates numbers and cards. This means that every game has a unique card distribution out of the millions of possible permutations and combinations. Nobody can guess or manipulate the cards they get.

It uses Player Protection Protocol (3P)

RummyCulture incorporates a Player Protection Protocol (also called 3P). It monitors all games 24×7 using AI. In case any fraud or fair play violation is detected, immediate action is taken and players are refunded their Buy-In for the game. Rest assured, your money is always safe.

KYC-verification for cash games

RummyCulture adheres to all government regulations and Google Play Store mandates on real-money gaming. Players on the app are required to do a KYC verification using any of these government-issued documents- Aadhaar, PAN, Driver’s License, or Voter ID. This ensures that the person playing on the app is indeed a real player.

Have some concerns? Don’t hesitate to reach out!

As we at RummyCulture work hard to ensure a perfect gaming experience for all our players, our customer support team is ready to help you out with anything, 24×7. We offer customer support in 5 languages, so you can reach out to us in your preferred language! We have a knack for transparent customer service, which you can learn more about on our Trust Report, available on both the app and the website. 99% of issues are resolved within 30 minutes, so you can spend more time playing and less time worrying.

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2nd Floor, B-Wing, Elnath Building, Exora Business Park, Prestige Tech Park, Kadubesanhalli, Bangalore, Karnataka-560103

Players from Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Nagaland and Sikkim are not allowed to play online cash rummy. Know More

Nation's Trusted Rummy App Disclaimer: As per a recent study conducted by Unomer (February, 2023) which surveyed 2,000 rummy players across India, aged 21–50, who play rummy on their smartphones.

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